(Miami, FL)- A long time supporter of the J/24 class has expanded their renowned Bacardi Cup to include J/24s for the first time ever as part of their week long festivities called Miami Sailing Week. Hosted by Coral Reef Yacht Club you can be sure you will be well taken care of by one of the best regatta hosts in the world. With a great club, fantastic pool and outdoor bar/ cabana you can rejoice with even greater pleasure recounting the day's racing and amusing stories about past J/24 Midwinters and other events on Biscayne Bay. Contact CRYC or sign up now at
http://www.miamisailingweek.com. Bacardi and CRYC promise you will have a memorable time. Can't go wrong. J/24s are cheap to charter and race. Weather is awful up North because of an El Nino year, so head south and soak up some good rays and enjoy fair breezes! For
more regatta and sailing information.