(Coconut Grove, FL)- J/24s are going back to Miami? Some may ask, “why did they ever leave?” Yes, the famous Coral Reef Yacht Club is the host club for the 2014 J/24 Midwinter Championship. The adopted home of Tito Bacardi and other famous “stars” in the sailing world over time, like “Old Man Diaz”, the J/24s have a long and storied history of J/24 Midwinters on the beautiful waters of Biscayne Bay.
What’s the recent NOAA Weather update for Biscayne Bay? Just the normal stuff- SW winds 11-15 kts, bay waters a moderate chop. Skies clear with temperatures over 75 degrees. Oh yea, it's no surprise that Wayne Cochrane's 1967 hit song "Going back to Miami" has been the winter-time anthem for many sailors around the world.

Sorry, we digress. Did you know Cochrane's song had a line- "Gotta lay out in the morning sun”? That should mean something to you Northern-types (e.g. anyone north of South Beach). With balmy temperatures forecast for all of February on Biscayne Bay with the classic SE sea-breeze pumping in at 10-15 kts, it’s high-times (not Colorado’s or Uruguay’s version) to head south and enjoy a few “umbrella drinks” at Coral Reef CY’s fabulous pool-side cabana bar and throw some sailing in during the day for good measure! For more J/24 Midwinter Championship sailing information