India's top J/24 women sailor and women's match racer, Ayesha Lobo, is helping grow the sport of sailing in one of the world's largest developing nations. With millions of miles of shoreline, many gorgeous harbors to sail out of and lots of "natural amphitheaters" to promote the sport on the water, Ayesha and friends are doing their best to promote sailing to a whole new generation of sailors in India. And, they're making the efforts work in the most extraordinary ways. Here's a quick report from Ayesha on her recent activities-
"Congratulations on the J/70 its a beauty, I can't wait to sail it sometime soon. This is mail is long over due as I have been caught up with university and sailing. Just to give you a quick update- the link here is an article which I got them to do as a part of
developing the Adventure Sports Groups who are interested in water-based sports in India (a national promotion/ tour agency).
In our huge country, the percentage of people that know about sailing is not even one percent!! I’ve decided to explore all possible dimensions of fun on a J/Boat. We are opening up the J/Boat experience to everyone and expanding the field to more buyers.
MTV India (yes, the big music television channel) wants me to collaborative with them, so I am currently working on ideas for outdoor sports & activities that combine music, beauty and sailing!
We are taking our J/24 down to Hyderabad, where we will conduct a "Discover The J Experience" for the next few months (June to August). If this is successful I am planning to visit other centers and maybe create a few new ones. I find there is so much about the J/Boat I need to learn and I am looking forward to this very exciting experience, and I am all pumped up about it. Best regards, Ayesha"
For more Indian Women's Sailing information and more information about Ayesha's experiences.