As well as taking photos, Michah provided a GoPro camera that was attached to three different boats over the mornings races. It was fascinating to see the differences in the way we all sail the boats. Here’s a video that Michah put together showing PACEMAKER in the first race. The coaching footage was taken during the Sandringham YC's J/24 Sprint Series this winter. The video features musical artist Skrillex and their recent Top 40s Hit "Bangarang (featuring Sirah)." Enjoy, some interesting practices being used on J/24s nowadays that are developments of boat-handling maneuvers from the past. Check out the Australian J/24 sailing video here.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
J/24 Sail Training video- off Australia
(Sandringham, Australia)- As part of a coaching weekend just before the Vic States, Michah Shuwalow, from the SYC boating academy ran a session with the local J/24 fleet. Michah produced a J/24 Sail Training Video at Sandringham YC prior to the Victoria States J/24 Championship.
As well as taking photos, Michah provided a GoPro camera that was attached to three different boats over the mornings races. It was fascinating to see the differences in the way we all sail the boats. Here’s a video that Michah put together showing PACEMAKER in the first race. The coaching footage was taken during the Sandringham YC's J/24 Sprint Series this winter. The video features musical artist Skrillex and their recent Top 40s Hit "Bangarang (featuring Sirah)." Enjoy, some interesting practices being used on J/24s nowadays that are developments of boat-handling maneuvers from the past. Check out the Australian J/24 sailing video here.

As well as taking photos, Michah provided a GoPro camera that was attached to three different boats over the mornings races. It was fascinating to see the differences in the way we all sail the boats. Here’s a video that Michah put together showing PACEMAKER in the first race. The coaching footage was taken during the Sandringham YC's J/24 Sprint Series this winter. The video features musical artist Skrillex and their recent Top 40s Hit "Bangarang (featuring Sirah)." Enjoy, some interesting practices being used on J/24s nowadays that are developments of boat-handling maneuvers from the past. Check out the Australian J/24 sailing video here.